Sunday, November 8, 2015

Google vs. Bing: Why I Always Use Bing for Image Searches

So I know that Bing tends to get derided as a second-class search engine, forever in the shadow of Google, but I must profess that I have come to regularly use Bing for image searches almost exclusively. I shall illustrate why. Below are two images I just screencapped, the one on top from Google, and below it Bing. Both are the top results of searches I ran for the word "pussy", with the safesearch filters turned off. As you can see, Google seems to think people want to masturbate to memes.

the Google Sample:

the Bing Sample:

To further support my hypothesis I then ran similar tests with the words "Sex", "Tits", and "Fucking"

Google "Sex":
Bing "Sex":
(as you can see, the Google search results are softcore at best)

Google "Tits":
Bing "Tits":

Google "Fucking":
and Bing "Fucking":

Now ask yourself, if this is how Google filters their porn search results, then how much are they filtering from any other more mundane search? Just for the hell of it, let's give this experiment one last round, and see what each site gives me for the word "porn" itself:

Well at least you get porn if searching specifically for porn. I was totally expecting more memes. Let's see what Bing has.

 Even their porn is more porny.

Make your own judgments, but I'm sticking to Bing from now on.

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